Monday, May 11, 2020

1991年最後一次為我的母親在世上慶祝母親節時,我就改編這首歌獻給她。二次世界大戰末期,父親被徵召當軍醫,沉船,母親年紀輕輕,不到29 歲就變成了寡婦,且終其餘生守寡。我是遺腹女,小時候很調皮蛋,常常與唯一的哥哥(大我2歲半)吵架,惹得善良溫柔的母親傷心流淚,常帶我們兄妹到父親遺像面前禱告。她含辛茹苦,淳淳教養我們,深深感動我心,讓我永遠懷念她!

Antonín Dvořák "Songs my mother taught me"

         《 母的目屎像珍珠》- 美和
"Mother’s Tears Like Pearls


My mother's tears often fell down her cheeks,


As she prayed for me day and night.

Her tears shone like the precious pearls, 
Brilliant in their light.
Now she's gone to the heavens above 


How I miss her touch and her voice.

伊ê 疼實在真深

Her love was deep like ocean waves, 


Like the love of God

永遠住( tiàm-ti )在我心

Sacrificed for me.

30 more yrs have passed, since my mother’s last breath.
I’m still in awe at the depth of her love.

永遠無噹( bōe-tàng) 報答

Though I can never repay my mom,


I humbly ask God, “Please—

 祝福逐ê人( ta̍k-ê-lâng) ê老母

Bless all of our mothers!”

 ( Translated to English in Feb, 2025 )

Mother’s Tears Like Pearls

My mother’s tears often fell down her cheeks.

As she prayed for me day and night.

Her tears shone like the precious pearls, 

Brilliant in their light.

Now she’s gone to the heavens above 

How I miss her touch and her voice.

Her love was deep like ocean waves, 

Like the love of God

Sacrificed for me.

30 years have passed since my mother’s last breath.

I’m still in awe at the depth of her love.

Though I can never repay my mom,

I humbly ask God, “Please—

Bless all of our mothers!”

In 2014 — 22 years after my mother went to heaven — I added a second verse and sang it at a Mother’s Day celebration. I dedicated this song to all the mothers in the audience.


Now with each year that falls, increasing my age,

         I more deeply understand my mother’s love —

It’s something that I can never repay.

         I can only ask God in humility —

To bless all our mothers — every one.

其他有關我母親一生的 links 如下: (click the links for more )

Original lyrics below:
(Composed in 1880 by Antonin Dvorák (1841-1904), text by Adolf Heyduk)
"Songs my mother taught me"

Songs my mother taught me,
In the days long vanished;
Seldom from her eyelids 
were the teardrops banished.

Now I teach my children,
each melodious measure.
Oft the tears are flowing,
oft they flow from my memory's treasure.

Songs My Mother Taught Me Lyrics in Czech

Když mne stará matka zpívat, zpívat učívala
Podivno, že často, často slzívala
A teď také pláčem snědé líce mučím
Když cigánské děti hrát a zpívat, hrát a zpívat učím
 Mother’s tears often fall. 
 She prays for me day and night. 
 Her tears, like pearls, Radiate glory — beautiful and brilliant. 
 Now I have grown up, 
 And I understand her love — How vast is the depth of her love!
 I humbly pray to the loving Heavenly Father — Please bless my mother. 
 *Now she has gone to heaven, And I miss her even more. 
 Her love was deep and pure, Like the love of our Heavenly Father, Forever alive in my heart. 
 *This verse was added in 1992 to be sung at my mother’s one-year memorial service. In 2014 — 22 years after my mother went to heaven — I added a second verse and sang it at a Mother’s Day celebration. I dedicated this song to all the mothers in the audience.
 Mother’s tears often fall. 
 Day and night she prays for me.
 Her tears, like pearls, Radiate glory — beautiful and brilliant.
 Now with each year that falls, increasing my age,
 I more deeply understand my mother’s love — It’s something that I can never repay.
 I can only ask God in humility — To bless all our mothers — every one.

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