Monday, July 27, 2015


Dear friends:

Satan is still very active in our world, Unbelievable?


Proof: See the horrible human sacrifice news from CNN today; also take a peek of what kind of contract selling souls to Satan from CP news.

上週六參加在底特律的一個魔鬼雕像 揭幕典禮,撒旦廟組織對它的信眾提出賣靈魂給魔鬼撒旦的契約。參加者必須承諾簽署以下的靈魂賣身契.

「我同意,以任何給予或採納的,實名或假名簽署的這份契約; 在此, 我公開承諾把我的靈魂全部給撒旦(又名Abbadon 毀滅者,又名Lucifer, 路西法,又名Beelzebub 別西卜,又名the Antichrist敵基督)。我這樣做, 知道他(又名The fallen one墮落者,又名 The father of Lies謊言之父)或他的任何代表皆可隨時選擇要收回我永遠的靈魂,並不需要再通知我; 我知,我在這契約的簽名或標記,表任何真實或編造出來的名稱, 構成了持久和永恆的契約,對我的永遠主權( 全部賣了)再也無需任何進一步的接洽或談判

TST發言人呂西安·格里夫斯解釋說,參加者必須簽署合同承諾他們的靈魂給撒旦,才能收到電子票,得知揭幕典禮的秘密地點 。...

(* 我想這些人一定以為這張賣身契純粹是開玩笑, 認為撒旦不存在, 甚至他們的靈魂也不存在, 所以他們可以買空賣空,慷慨地把自己的靈魂給賣了。殊不知玩火必自焚,這些自以為聰明的現代浮士德博士,等他們發現魔鬼真存在的時候, 也許太遲了, 來不及後悔呢? )

(* 亦可參照部分原文如下)
Satanic Temple Demands Followers Sign Contract Giving Their Souls to Satan Before Unveiling Satanic Statue in Detroit 


The Satanic Temple's template for a statue of Baphomet is pictured in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters June 27, 2014(PHOTO: REUTERS/THE SATANIC TEMPLE/HANDOUT)
The Satanic Temple's template for a statue of Baphomet is pictured in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters June 27, 2014.
July 27, 2015|12:05 pm
The Satanic Temple group reportedly presented followers who attended its unveiling of a Satanic statue in Detroit on Saturday with a contract that pledges their souls to Satan.
"I agree that by signing this document under any name, given or adopted, actual or pseudonymous, I am hereby avowing my soul to Satan (aka Abbadon, aka Lucifer, aka Beelzebub, aka the Antichrist). I do so knowing that He (aka The Fallen One, aka The Father of Lies) or any of His representatives may choose to collect my eternal soul at any time, with or without notice," the contract reads, as shared by The Friendly Atheist blog.
"I understand that my signature or mark representing any name, real or made up, upon these papers constitutes a lasting and eternal contract, and that there will be no further negotiations on the matter of my eternal soul."
TST spokesperson Lucien Greaves explained that attendees had to sign the contract pledging their souls to Satan after received an e-ticket which revealed the secret location of the event.
The 8½-foot-tall statue unveiled in Detroit is of Baphomet, a Satanic entity with horns, hooves, wings and a beard, depicted next to two young children.
The Associated Press revealed that the group had originally planned to host the unveiling at a popular restaurant, but had to change to a secret venue after the owner began receiving threats.
"Detroit is a very religious area," said Bert Dearing, the owner of Bert's Market Place in Detroit's Eastern Market district.
"When I rented the place, I just thought it was a church. I didn't know about the unveiling of a statue. We weren't aware they were into devil worshiping."...

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