Wednesday, June 4, 2008



據說有一位出名的黑手黨成員死亡,他的哥哥去拜訪將要主持其弟葬禮的神父。他威脅神父,堅持神父屆時一定得說「這個去世的弟弟是一個聖人」,否則, 走著瞧, 一定讓該神父好看!

神父為要打發他離開, 勉強同意. 果然在追悼詞中,神父說道:「這位剛去世的仁兄, 做了很多我們常人不敢做的事: 姦淫虜掠,勒索, 謀殺,綁架等等…,無所不為, 様樣在行。然而,若與他的哥哥相比, 他的確是個聖人呢.」

Blackmail a Father

A famous Mafia member died and his brother went to see the Father who was going to preside over the funeral service. He told that Father that he had to say his brother is a saint in his eulogy or else he would suffer the consequences.

The Father barely agreed with him in order to send him away. By the time of delivering the eulogy, the Father said ”In his life time, this man had done lots of things we dared not do; rapes,robberies,murders,kidnappings… name it! The list can keep going on. Nevertheless, he is a saint compared to his brother."

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